In The Air: Mayor Anne Gerwig

In The Air: Mayor Anne Gerwig

  • Kirsten Kopp
  • 06/6/23

Flying With the Mayor

When Kirsten presented this opportunity to Wellington Mayor Anne Gerwig, she was happy to get In The Air with Kirsten. “It really brings you into everything that Wellington has. There’s nothing lacking,” says Gerwig, “having a private airport where you can go flying with your friends, it’s a unique opportunity.”
The weather was perfect on this clear and cool early June morning making it perfect for a flight from Wellington Aero Club where pilot and real estate broker Kirsten Kopp resides with her family. “It was perfect weather and I felt safe up with Kirsten. It’s nice to have friends who can take you up flying on a day like this to discuss Wellington while looking at it from above,” said Gerwig.
Landing at Wellington Aero Club
In our In The Air series, we want to give others an opportunity to voice their opinions, talk about the Village of Wellington, Wellington real estate, or their role in the equestrian community. When asked what makes this a great opportunity for others, Wellington’s long-standing mayor “never wants to miss an opportunity. It’s a really unique way to see this village. I would encourage anyone to give it a chance.” 
If you want to get In The Air or nominate a friend, trainer, business owner, or community member, you can make a submission here.
Watch the video and hear what Kirsten and Anne talked about up In The Air:

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